Taking a Philosophy: Argumentative Essay Topics and Examples to Spark Debate

Taking a Philosophy: Argumentative Essay Topics and Examples to Spark Debate

Argumentative essays are a basic aspect of academic writing, puzzling students to go deeper into tricky problems, and how explore different points of view. And as well as defend their viewpoints with logical thought and proof. So, you must choose an ideal topic for your essay that is very crucial to create an attractive essay. As a result, in this article, we will tell you what is an argumentative essay. And also tell you attractive essay topics.

What Is An Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is a genre of writing where a writer introduces a claim thesis statement or a debated topic. As well he or she needs to add evidence with supported reasoning. So, this essay aims to motive the readers as a means to accept the writers point of view or take action or the problem being debated.

What Creates A Good & Quality Argumentative Essay?

1. Rich Statement

As a means to write a compelling and rich statement, you will need to write a rich and strong thesis argument. So, you must pick a topic that you feel you have a strong grip on.  And then create an argument based on evidence and proof.  You must recall that as a means to grab the attention of readers, your statement must be well thought out and as well informed.  There are tons of Argumentative Essay Topics you can easily on the internet.

2. Thesis

Now you must write a strong thesis of your argumentative essay which should be formal and in clear language. Also, your message will be clear once you write a thesis statement.  No matter how complex is your topic you must write a thesis statement in one sentence. Do not try to exceed the word count. Also, your thesis statement must be well-logical, strong, and as well-studied.

3. Research

To write a convincing argumentative you must perform your full research about your topic.  Without full research, you will never grab the attention of readers.  So, before you start your essay you must practice your thesis statement. For that, you must read out lot of academic journals, papers, newspapers, and as well scientific journals.

However, in any of the cases when you have done your research and are unable to find any info about your topic. Then you need to think about writing a different topic to write your argumentative essay.  Also, you can as well consider hiring an expert who provides you with Argumentative Essay Examples.  This is one of the fastest ways to finish your essay in less than 24 hours.

Tips For Crafting A Top Argumentative Essay That Will Stand Out:

In this section, we will talk about how you can create a stand-out argumentative essay that will lead you best score.

1. Choose A Topic & Write A Thesis Statement

In the first step, you must choose a good and exciting topic that you will have a strong grip on it. If your teacher assigns your topic, then you must stick to it. If your teacher did not assign it to you then you can freely choose. But you need to always pick a good topic. After that write a strong thesis statement.

A thesis statement is a one or two-sentence summary of the key message that you are trying to reach to your audience. So, your statement must be clear, and as well thought of.

2. Know The Aim Of Your Essay

This kind of essay aims to introduce a well-logical statement on a certain topic. So, you must investigate your topic, then you collect the info from reliable sources later. And then examine evidence, and then create a position on the subject briefly.  On the contrary, if you need help or support then a wide range of Argumentative Essay Topics are accessible on the internet. Also, you can consult an expert.

3. Perform Full Research

Now in this step, you must go into the depth of your topic by doing full research. For that, you should utilize credible sources like academic journals, books, and as well reliable sources as a means to collect proof to help your statement.  Also, you will need to create notes which you think are useful for your topic. But then you must gather info from reputable sources. And do not gather any data from Wiki and blog posts.

4. Develop A Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is a strength of your essay. It should clearly state your position on the topic and offer a roadmap of your argument. A rich and strong thesis statement is specific and arguable, and then you must back up your statement with evidence.

5. Structure Your Essay Well

An engaging and well-structured essay is simple to read and as well more persuasive. Below are a few tips on which you can structure your argumentative essay.

6. Write An Engaging Intro

You must begin your intro with a hook and try to capture the attention of readers. Your intro of the essay must be concise, short, and as well simple to read. After that, you must offer background info and then finish your thesis argument. In addition, if you need support then find an honest essay writing agency that will provide you with Argumentative Essay Examples. But then you must recall to find a reliable writing agency with years of expertise.

7. Body Section

In this section, you must expand your argumentative essay in detail. Each paragraph of your body must focus on the single point helping your evidence. After that, you will need to begin with a topic sentence, and then explain in what way it supports your thesis. And then it is how you can tackle your counterarguments.

8. Conclusion

Lastly you will need to recap your main points while writing a conclusion. Do not introduce a new point that you did not add in the previous section that will confuse your readers. Always write short, brief, and engaging conclusions.

9. Utilize Logical & Emotional Appeals

As a means to persuade your audience, you must combine logical and as well emotional appeals while writing an argumentative essay. Logical appeals depend on the evidence and proof. On the other hand, the purpose of emotional appeals is to suggest strong emotions. You can as well increase your credibility by adding ethos of emotional appeals in your essay. If you have any problems while writing logical and emotional appeals, then consult your teacher. They will guide you write this section.

10. Write Clearly & Concisely

Clarity and brevity are very vital in writing a quality argumentative essay. So you must write a clear and as well concise language. Avoid difficult words such as jargon and any complex terms. And as always utilize a formal and professional tone in academic essays. Also, you must utilize transition to guide your readers via your statement smoothly. And lastly, proofread your essay as a means to decrease any grammar mistakes and ensure your essay flows smoothly from one paragraph to another.

11. Practice Every So Often

Similar to any skill, you also need to write plenty of essays as a means to improve your argumentative essay skills. So, you must write as many essays on different. It will not just increase your writing skills. But as well you can easily improve your knowledge.

Examples of Argumentative Essay Topics:

You must choose unique argumentative essay topics that will make you stand out from other students. Whereas your school may offer you a wide range of topics. But there are times when you choose a topic on your own.

1. Argumentative Essay Topics For Mid Scholars

  1. Recycling in communities
  2. Outdoor activities for kids
  3. Sports in school education
  4. Student choice in classes
  5. Tech in the classroom
  6. Music education impact

2. Argumentative Essay Topics For High School Students

  1. Social media impact on the relationship
  2. Lowering the voting age
  3. What is the impact of financial literacy?
  4. Free college education debate
  5. Online Learning
  6. Climate change awareness

3. Argumentative Essay Topics For College Students

  1. Social Media Impact on College Student’s mental Health
  2. Paying college athletes
  3. Effects of climate change policies
  4. Diversity in the College Syllabus
  5. Pass or fail grading: Must it be a choice
  6. Trigger warnings in college

4. Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. The pros and cons of capital punishment
  2. Is gun control vital in modern society
  3. Is climate change a fraud or a real threat?
  4. The ethics of cloning humans
  5. The impact of migration on the society
  6. The ethics of animal testing in scientific research

Final Thought:

As a result, these are the top guides for writing a quality argumentative essay that will make you unique from other students. But you have to recall crafting a strong essay will require planning, writing, and as well research. Do not forget any of these vital tips while you writing your essay. Or else you will lose the chance of grabbing an A-plus score. On the other hand, if you need support then get in touch with your teacher. And they are sure to help you out in your process.

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