Shifa Attia

Informative Speech Topics

Unlocking the Secrets to Effective Informative Speech Topics: A Comprehensive Guide

In the current world, which moves at a rapid speed, effective and clear communication is more important than ever before. The topic counts whether your work is on a project or you are an employee trying to improve presenting abilities. Finding the appropriate topic is the most important component. Here we will present a lesson […]

101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think

101 Essays That Will Change the Way You Think

Introduction If you give it some serious thought, writing makes room in your mind for your ideas. Every day, hundreds or perhaps thousands of thoughts come and go from our minds. They appear while we’re preparing for work, riding the bus to school, or having a chat with a buddy. However, there isn’t enough time […]

Difference Between Essay and Report – What You Need to Know

Difference Between Essay and Report – What You Need to Know

Introduction As a student you might often get confused whether the assignment given to you in an essay or report. It can get a bit tricky when you try to figure out whether you have to write an essay on the topic or write a report on the topic. It is really important to understand […]

Write a Report Writing That Gets Results

Write a Report Writing That Gets Results

Grasping how to write a report is very crucial, if you do not know how to write it then you have to learn it. These days’ report writing is a truly essential skill that every marketer needs to learn as a means to stay competitive in the tough job market. As well as if the […]


Mastering The Art of Essay Writing: A 5-Paragraph Essay Example

The art of essay writing is a practical skill that serves, without exclusion, through academic applications and affects communication in different professional and personal arenas. Whether you are a student pursuing academic excellence, a professional who desires to articulate ideas efficiently, or an aspiring writer perfecting his or her craft, essay writing is an art […]

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